AECOM项目概况 Project General Profile花桥互联金融产业园是由东久中国投资开发,定位于“互联金融”主题产业园区。打造昆山互联网产业联盟及跨境电商公共服务平台Led by the lated trends, the industral Park w provide a super platform of nternet managemont for allshape the sm园区位于江苏省昆山市花桥镇,花桥经济开发区内。北至312国道,东至曹浦路,西至现有道路,南至规划道路(临沪宁高速公路),距虹桥交通枢纽45公里,距苏州市区37公里。总用地面积196亩(130463平方米),分为两个部分,数据中心和办公商业区Located between 312 Nabonal Highway and Hu-ning Express Way, the see has great access bility and image-dispiapresence, Occupied an area of 13 hectares. the site contains two zone with different fountion. the data center and office素J250家级数据存储中心和国家级信息灾备基地数据中心占地面积38亩,规划总的筑面积约6万平米(含地下约1万平米)The Data Center is designed as a large commercial data center, serving domestic and intemational internetfinance instituton It also functions asformation systems, The data center covers an aremeters, including 10, 000 squareOFFICE AND COMMERCIAL办公和商业部分定位为互联智慧谷,金融生态城。包括总部办公、标准化写字楼及创业型中小办公等产品类型办公楼及商业部分占地面积158亩,规划总的筑面积45万平米(含地下约9万平米)预计总投资达20亿元The office and commercial zones cover an area of 158 hectares, with a gross leasable area of 450,000 square AECOM投资方背景介绍[ Background of the investorM既 nikko an东久中国系华平投资的一家专业的工业地产投资管理公司bhartI跟泰货美国华平投资集团 Warburg Pincus,是私募股权投资的行业领柚,2013年被美国《福布斯》杂志评选为全球最佳私募投资机构kotak富力地产在华投资涉足中国各大行业的领头企业通过其专业优势辐射全国重点区域。项目将充分发挥华平基金在中国投资涉足广泛(包括消费零售,能源医药,通讯科技,医疗健康及金融等产业)的资源优势,与园区形成强强联合,互利共赢方興地產ny invested by Warburg Pincus丁JZ∠ HAVELLSNEMWarburg Pincus, is an industry leader in private equity investment in 2013 wavoted the world s best private investment agency of the US "Forbes maga-companies, D&JIrg Pincus, and mainly focus on investquarter parks and data centers in China. National Radiation key areas through阳光Tcommunications technology, healthcare andindustries)resources, Park乐国图币区华润M既 AECOM上位规划[ RIGIONAL PLANNING城市空间格局SPACTIAL STRUCTURE OF THE CITY轴两心三片区多组团ONE AXIS, TWO CENTERS, THREE AREAS, MULTIPLE CLUSTERS2.乙9花桥国际商务城是江苏省唯一以现代服务业为主导产业的开发区;国际服务外包基地,将按照省委、省政府提出的“融入上海、面向世界、服务江苏”的总定位,发挥上海的区位优势,江苏的政策优势,昆山的成本优势,高起点规划,高水平设,高层次开发,设国际有影响。国内称一流的以商务服务为核心产业的国际大都市的卫星商务城industry such as international service outsourcing. According to the orientation merge into Shanghai,face the world and serve Jiangsu given by Jiangsu government, it will take advantage of its locationand development policy, and aim at becoming the top satellite city of an international metropoli