出R. DANIEL LAVELLEThe Greater Hill District Master Plan is the compass that will helpCouncilman, City of Pittsburgh- District 6guide developers towards this desired objective.Chair, Urban RecreationWe have successfully completed a first step in envisioning a brighterfuture for the Hill District. But a first step is not an end, and nowA vision for the future of the Greater Hill District was the goal ofbegins the work to implement the plan, to realize it in the real world.a process that has involved input from residents and communityto give it shape. What began as a community effort must continuestakeholders in the Hill. Taking guidance from the urban design teamto be so. I urge all who have been involved in the process up to thisof Sasaki Associates, Inc and Stull Lee, Inc, appropriating elementshain involved, and encourage community members whofrom existing plans, and gathering input from community meetingsome across the plan for the first time to become actively engaged inand neighborhood tours, it is with great enthusiasm that I presentyou the Greater Hill District Master Plan. This document outlines a setFinally, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the residents,of guidelines for developers and incestors to toltow It is reflective cthe needs and desires of a communily seek a heaithy environment材dk包 the public. noand improved quality of lifeand private sectors for their time, energy and commitment to theThe framework for development as defined within the Masterdevelopment of the master plan. This has truly been a collaborativePlan covers all of the Hill District, Uptown and small parts of Westeffort. Together, we have and will continue to plan for a vibrant futureOakland, In creating a set of principles and priorities, we are givenfor the Hill Districta valuable tool to coordinate future development towards therevitalization and regeneration of our community. The interest ofwhole is taken into account first and foremost, as opposed to aprovincial, segmented and fragmented outlook that squanders overallpotential for narrow efforts that fail to benefit the greater community.There has been increased interest in the potential of the Hill DistrictR. Daniel Lavelleof late, and with it comes a unique opportunity to direct this energyChair of the Management Committeetowards positive initiatives that promote growth in the community.向、C OverviewThe Hill District Master Plan has grown out of the sustained Mayor's Office, the Pittsburgh City Council, the Pittsburghefforts of numerous residents, community groups andDepartment of City Planning, the Housing Authority ofstakeholders. Two communitygs each drew over the City of Pittsburgh, and the Urban Redevelopment75 participants who providedinput to the goalshorityand content of the planWith ongoing guidance and feedback from these manyFurthermore, Councilman Daniel Lavelle has generously entities, the hill District Master Plan is informed by theprovided the resources of his office and chaired thedevelopment principles, non-displacement strategies/ment Committee. The Managemenfor redCommittee includes representatives from organizations goals on the following pages. The Plan itself has twosuch as the Hill District Consensus Group, the CBA Steering components:Committee, the Hill Community Development Corporation,Program InitiativesHill House Economic Development Corporation, Crawfordolicies and programs that, alongside the Urbanquare Homeowners, Ujamaa Collective, Find the Rivers,esign Propsals, will help attain community goalsWesley A MEChArities, Heinz Endowments, the Pittsburgh Foundation,the state House of Representatives, Allegheny County, theJZ Projects to improve the phythe physical environment andto leverage developmentThe Hill District. has contributed greatly to the city s historyand remains as a center of Pittsburghs African Americanculture. The intent of this master planning effort is to ensurethat the resulting neighborhood plan reflects the vision HillDistrict residents and other neighborhood stakeholders havefor the revitalization of this important historic neighborhood.-GREATER HILL DISTRICT MASTER PLAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS尚2.、C FoundationsThe Management Committee has adopted Development The Strategies for Reclaiming the Lower Hill (setPrinciples, Non-Displacement Strategies and Strategies forth in Appendix C)are intended to govern land usefor Reclaiming the Lower Hill, to serve as foundations for and development activities in the Lower Hill District. Inof the planthe Master Plan and to guide all land use, project approval the 1950s and early 1960s, much of the Lower Hill wasand subsidy allocation decisions affecting the Greater Hill demolished to make way for a planned cultural district formore affluent Pittsburghers. 1300 buildings on 95 acresThe Greater Hill District Development Principles(setof land were demolished. 413 businesses and over 8.000DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLESforth in Appendix A)provide a framework for theresidents were forced to relocate receiving little to nolan and will serve as guidelines for development activities compensation. The Hill District lost its commercial core.NON-DISPLACEMENTd the allocation of public resources in the Greater Hill much of its population, and its connection to downtownDistrict. They were developed by the Hill District Planning It was left isolated, disconnected from job opportunitiesForum, a coalition of community-based organizationand starved for capital investment. The Strategies forSTRATEGIES FOR RECLAIMING in the Hill District and Uptown that meets monthly toReclaiming the Lower Hill are designed to ensure that theTHE LOWER HILLreview proposed development projects, The Management Lower Hill is redeveloped in a way that reintegrates the areaVetting them with private developers to assess their ikely and employment opportunities for Hill District resident aCommittee adopted the Development Principles afterinto the cultural fabric of the community, provides housirpact on development. The Development Principlesand serves as a catalyst for market-driven investmentwill be used along with the Evaluation Criteria set forthroughout the ion pages 32 to 33 to prioritize development projects andreview proposed development activities in the greater HilDistrictforth in Appendix B)are intended to govern developmentactivities and public funding decisions affecting the GreaterHill District, in order to ensure that existing residents ofthe hill District and Uptown will enjoy the benefits of arevitalized neighborhood. The Hill District is characterizedby lower household incomes and a high percentage ofrenters, and these conditions make residents vulnerable todisplacement as the market improves and property valuesincrease. The Non-Displacement Strategies are designedto prevent displacement by supporting the economic self-d housing stability of existing residentHiW District Master Plan community meeting尚2.、C