设计师| Tennie! TSANG设计单位 Novus Penetralis Limitedi he fluid Capsule notion at starDental Allilance星空牙科联盟液体胶囊式概念o Nobody looks forward to having their teeth fixed. Anxiousness andnervousness are two subconscious feelings that people experience when the to penetrate and helps enhance the sense of space inside the clinic. The idehought of"dental clitsses their minds, To overturn these conceptions andcurves is reinforced by 2D curved surfaces enriched with laser cutouts and suinspired by a space capsule, "Fluid Capsule Notion"is adopted to channel throughtextures, whilst non-edged cabinets and wall designs help achieve a hohis vision, whereby fluidity is achieved by utilizing curve and non-edged designsatmosphere to ease nervousness.On the other hand, the cylinder-shaped 'Capsule' VIP room with LOto tie different functions of the clinic together, as they are the best way to express curved, green glass sliding doors and window openings with concealed blindcontinuity between different areas and functions. This is the soul of the wholedesignprivacy, whilst can be closed, can also be opened to link with the waitiTo maximize the reception and waiting area without compromising thefor fluidity and turn into an observation gallery during surgical procedurenumber of surgery rooms and to ensure fluidity, no partition walls are used. students.This way, an ambiguous boundary is also created, allowing additional daylightINE 设计师| Thomas Willemeit, Alejandra Lillo.Larsrueckeberg. Gregor Hoheisel, Wolfram Putz设计单位| GRAFT- Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH项目地点|德国柏林筑面积11763平方米摄影师1 Andi Albert PhotographieKinderdentist儿童牙科诊所o. What can children expect when they visit their dentist? A white, cold, sterile windows into the treatment rooms upstairsworld with no relationship to the playful environments they are used toAll areas follow the same theme of the underwater experience withThis dental clinic, specialized on the treatment of young patients, started the color, architectural and spatial elements. Patterns of pixilated schoolsdesign process from the opposite side of the spectrum, the indoor playgroundnnect all treatment rooms. The silver upholstery in the waiting roWe created an underwater world that invites the children to come in, play and let reminiscent of submarines. The waiting, as well as the treatment itself ctheir imagination go wildturned into a playful experience. In this way the attitude towards the usA 12 foot wave welcomes them from the outside world, carrying them feared dentist can be changed from an early age on. The young customersdirectly to the reception counter. This wave, vibrant with patterns in different have to leave the happy underwater world and can enjoy this completeltones of blue, connects and reveals the upper and lower levels of the clinic. It experience of a visit to the dentistinvites you to the waiting room and reception in the lower level and opens up秦2.JZ80.Nkinderdentist 没有人会愿意自己的牙齿被捆缚。当牙科诊所几个字出现在脑海中时,就会下意识地产生焦虑和紧张的情绪。为了颠覆这些概念,受太空舱的启发,“液体胶囊式概念”就应运而生液体胶囊式是通过使用曲线和无边缘设计把诊所的不同功能区连在一起而实现。这些都是展示不同区域和功能的最佳方式,也是整个设计的灵魂在不影响手术室数量的情况下,最大限度地扩大接待区和等候区来确保流动性,而且不使用隔断。这样就创造了一个模糊的边界,能够让光线进入并有助于增强诊所内部的空间感。2D曲面由激光切和纹理表面,增加了曲线感。同时,无边界式柜子和墙壁设计能带来温馨的气氛,有助舒缓紧张另一方面,圆柱形的“胶囊”贵宾室还配备了液晶电视,弯曲的绿色玻璃活动门以及保护隐私所用的百叶窗。开合都可以与流动式的等候区连接在一起,在为学生演示手术流程的时候,还能作为一个演示长廊。“胶囊”式手术室的墙上有木炭色的镜面和白色的电动铝合金百叶窗,这是诊所的另亮点。天花板和外缘覆盖,LED灯管和巨大的两片玻璃门,就形成了胶囊式的空间,无边界式的格局能有效帮助病人减轻焦虑。该项目同样也可以作为一个教案的展示。其他手术室都是以类似的框架构造。黑与白形成鲜明的对比,绿色和环保色是诊所的标识性色系,能用来增加暖度。犹如漂白过的木质地板,不但卫生温暖,而且和其他颜色一致通过这种设计风格,病人的焦虑和紧张情绪都得以缓解。牙科诊所大可不必设计得令人生畏,相反,它可以变得更加的灵动而富有生活的气息筑 设计单位|C.F. Moller Architects摄影师 Helene Ryttersgaard, Joergen TruegentofteOsp比a根措夫特医院Gentofte Hospital's new facilities are the first phase of C F Moller Architects' connected to the original buildings by enclosed walkways. To retain thevision plan for the hospital. The new top-modern treatment wings ensure character of the 1920s brick buildings of the complex, the new additions arethe future functionality and flexibility of Gentofte's unique historically and and transparent, with satiated glass facades.urbanistically integrated hospital comThe project will also include renovation and modernisation of the exThe new buildings are a total of 14.000 m2, and house 24 new high-tech buildings. All of the hospital's out-patients' departments will be locatedoperation theatres, 16 intensive care units, 30 post-operation units, a new main ground floor together with the information and waiting areas, etc, whicentrance, a new cafe, several clinical facilities and out-patient departments as improve the overall clarity of the layout and create the best possible patientwell as a new highly automated central sterile supply department. With theOn its uppermost storeys, the new area will house the most equipmeinauguration, Gentofte Hospital holds the regions largest operations capacityrooms, such as the 24 new operating theatres, while on the equivalent steThe aim has been to bring the hospital up-to-date with today's technical the older buildings will be utilised as in-patrds. This layout, with threquirements, and to optimise its logistics. The new layout extends and located in an eight-shaped pattern around the treatment departmentstransforms the urban hospital by inserting a new, modern core in the courtyards minimise the daily transport needs, to the benefit of both patients and staffof the original figure-eight shaped complex, in the form of two atrium-buildings素UZ T Healing ArchitectureGentofte医院的新设施是CF莫勒筑公司远景计划的第一阶段。新的顶级Working with the principles of Healing Architecture, based on studies of疗确保了 Gentofte医院独特的未来多功能性和灵活性,历史性地和现代化地整合the influence of the built environment on the hospitals users and patients, has teresulted in ample use of daylight everywhere, well proportioned spaces and use新的筑群占地14000平方米,包括24层高科技操控的剧院,16个重症of natural materials, as well as new qualities in the outdoor spaces.C.F. Moller房,30个手术病房,1个主入、1个咖啡屋、若干医疗设施、门诊部还有一个Architects has also designed the landscape architecture of the green courtyards,度自动化的中央无菌物品供应部。随着 Gentofte的启用,它也成为地区最大的now turned into car- free oases closely related to the indoor spacesPartner and Architect Klavs Hyttel explains: By placing the new buildings我们的目标是把现今的技术、要求带到医院,更好的统筹安排。新的布局让as the logistical heart in the middle of the figure-eight layout, Gentofte Hospital原始的八形图庭院中增加一个新的现代中心,使其延伸和变化,以两个中心细s transformed from a labyrinthine structure into a welcoming and intelligible接形式衔接原有的筑物来封闭走廊。为了保持1920年的砖混结构筑的复杂architecture, where the green courtyards' including and interesting interplay新增加的设施都呈现光明和透亮感,并结合了玻璃幕墙。between indoor and outdoor guides you through to your destination该项目还将包括现有筑的革新及现代化改造。医院所有的门诊部门连同「等候区等将设在地下层,从而使整体布局更加清晰,并创造出最好的条件为医院的最上面几层拥有最多的重型设备房间,比如24个新的手术室,相比其上面几层则作为病房使用。在治疗病房周围设立一个八字形图案庭院的格局化,供日常运输的需要,使患者和员工受益。康复机构基于筑环境对医院员工和患者影响的考虑,按照康复机构的原则要求,足的光线、匀称的空间和天然材质的使用,此外还将会是室外环境的新品质勒筑公司还设计了绿色庭院中的园林筑,现在变换成了与室内空间密切相合伙人兼筑师 Klavs Hottel解释说:“通过在图八布局中心放置新筑作二腹地, Gentofte医院从错综复杂的结构转化成为一个受欢迎并可被理解的结构的‘绿色庭院’包括令人产生兴趣的室内外环境,它引导您直指目的地筑J.、Z8C