Global PracticeThe planet currently is experiencing theissues.Cultural considerations,natural resourcesfastest rate of urbanization human history hasand landscapes systems like hydrology andever witnessed,placing the design professionhabitat inform big moves Ultimatelyboldidat a critical crossroads.Globally,planners andthat consider multiple issues create a poetidesigners are sculpting new developments,expression that solvesediate nedistricts,and cities,creating new mega-regionsproviding flexibility for futuadaptationthat will influence how people experiencethe physical environment for generations.Our hope is that the sharing of the work iTechnological advances in construction drivethis series will result in an even more enradical geometric forms,which starchitectsdiscussion and cross-pollination of ideaspursue in search of their legacy.Are thesehelp to continually cultivate our practiceforms negatively impacting the quality of urbanspace?While bringing a valuable ecologicalTHIS ISSUEperspective,is landscape urbanism ignoringIn this first issue of Provocations,"Mega Plans,other opportunities for placemaking andjuxtapose Beijing's evolving urban environmentinteraction formed by architecture streets,and an and China's aspiration to transition from a"madeunderstanding of human ecology?Will the uniquein China'"economy to a“designed in China'”poetics of a place,driven by its social context andeconomy with the arid climate of the Dead Sea andcultural traditions,be forever lost to a globalizedthe Jordanian government's desire to regenerateapproach where designers import repetitive ideasthe local community and to improve tourism in theand formulaic solutions?region.Provocations is a forum for sharing work thatBoth projects speak to the optimistic approachillustrates Sasaki's philosophy that thoughtfulthat many developing countries share,not onlydesign solutions are not conceived in isolation,in terms of the scale of these projects,but also inbut rather from a collaborative and opentheir ambitions to bring broader economic andconversation about issues and ideas.We carefullysocial transformations.Though similar in scale,have curated projects for their challengingthe climate,culture,economy,and ecology of bothcontext,rigorous analysis,and original designcontexts are distinct.solutions.Singular ideas,empty forms,andpatternmaking are replaced by solutions derivedfrom a deep understanding of the complexsocial and environmental forces that mold thecontext of a place.In each example,population1shifts,changing demographics,and expandingeconomies play a significant role in shaping the莲筑素材同28 Mega Plans SongzhuangCreativeSeaofdapanClustersBeijing,ChinaL典ate患筑o氣Bejing city cente好Sle.Sohgzhuang CreativeClusters are a series of self-sustaining communities for thoseactively engaged in creative pursuits.Based on extensive analysisof global precedents and an understanding of current creativeindustries within the larger Beijing area,the project designatesfive primary industries for Songzhuang:design,arts,experimentaltechnology,biotech,and alternative medicine.These industriescross traditional boundaries of the design,arts,and technologyfields with a primary emphasis on research,creativity,and innovation.uth ChinaThe distance from the core area of Beijing allows for a newSeaparadigm of development that reconfigures traditionalrelationships of city,open space,and farmland.A series of differentedge conditions allows for integration and interaction between theurban fabric,open space systems,and agriculture fields.The overarching structural idea is to locate each creative industrysector in a specific mixed-use cluster with catalytic programsthat help foster and jump-start innovation and entrepreneurship.Clusters are supported by public amenities and designed to haveevery inhabitant living within a 10 minute walk to public transit,and 5 minute walk to public space.寸Z.J,NE于习