Brief Introduction项目慨况前最展望南京当前的戴游空间格局是由自然风光体系。历史风邈体系、人文景观体系、生态衣业体系四大橡游体系组成的多元被游结构体系。其中生态农业,游体系由江心洲农业生态瓷游度假区和潜洲生态温地景区及八卧洲风景截静区等共同组成,这一体系在南京原有的據游空得中所占比重较小,旅游产业校入也比较有限,江心洲乌位于南京西彭的长江中,东得夹江与主城的调西新城相第,距市中心新衡6公里,西隔长江主航道与浦新市区相望,系长红中的一室弧乌,江心洲远离城市和大工业区,具备良好的田圆风光。无污染,无操音、空气清新、环境唐静、绿捐成葫。鸟语花香、四季宁静,岛的面酸自然,是理想的生态按游度限区随看烧城公路、江心洲宴洲公路和江心洲岛内环境的设,江心测将依托血身的得天独厚的优超条件,有机地触合周围历史文化,秀丽景色和现代科技,开拓客业生态擦游的发展空间,江心洲的农业生态搬游光全有条件领先全四同类擦游项目:不仅成为金四知名的一流的生态搬游度霞区,成为“长江生态擦游第一洲”,更为回际上对都市农业和生态截消的区城发展模式提供示范和研究依据。成为全国恩市农业生态搬游研究的重要基地,03Prospectivesecological agricutureAmong others,ecological agriculture system consists of Jiangnzhou Agricultural Ecological Tourism Zone,Qianzhou Ecological Wetland Scenery Zone,as well as Baguazhou Scenery Zone The system is a tiny part of original tourism industry of Nanjing and income from the system is limitedJianganzhou Island is located in the Yangtze River west of Nanjing It rest on the west bank of Xia River and on the opposite side of which there is Hed NewTown It is 6km to Xinpiekou in downtown Nanjing It is on the east side of main navigation channel of Yantze Ruver and faces Pukou New District on theother side of the river.It is an ait in Yangtze River.Far away from city area and big industrial parks,Jianganzhou has nice idyc scenes free from any pollutionand noise.Fresh air,que erronment,tree forests,birdeall and floral fragrance,mild climate,and natural island scenery make the island ideal place tobe developed into a holiday resortWith the construction of city ring road,Jianganzhou through highway as well as enMronment of the island,Jianganzhou will develop agricultural ecologicaltourism based on its born advantages,by organically combining surrounding historic cuture,beautiful scenery and modern science and technologiesJiangxinzhou's agricultural ecological tourism is well prepared to play a leading role in comparable projects in Chinat will become not only famed agricul-tural ecological tourism in China,but will become smaple project for other countries to conduct studies on the development pattern of urban agricufture andecological tourism and provide basis for China to study on urban agricultural ecological tourism as well南京城市区位分析理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况实例分析国内江测的开发主要德中在松透平原,长江液域和抹江流域,其中开发为生态被游度假区的也为数不多,一些参考案例如右表名称地区面积(平方公里)功能分区na5的regionarea (km2)Functional distributionCase Study古运河扬州30公里古城、古运河,瓜洲岛景,江高凝,江veadrngen Plan,Yangze River Catchmentand Zhujng River Catchment nsidetheeAcinetYangzhou 30km in length滨浴场、古街民俗、芦第野趣、南郊果园slands,only a few have been developed into ecological tourism zonesCanal和大桥民景。Ancient town,ancient esnal,Guazhou island,Jiangkou island,coastalswimming area,acient street,reed ares,Nanjiao orchard,birdge scenery江心剂江14高尔夫球场、主题燕林公因、绿色食品农筑houC.NE国.休月度假区,Golf course,theme fores时 food agricultural park.holiday04resort明月岛齐齐哈尔6.76中心游览区,森林区,北方园林植物区,MingyueQiqihae时冠林生产区和体育话动区。Central tourismIsland右表实例共性是面积均较小,开发定位都以人文景观、历史景点。都市文化展示为重,观光内容单一,zome.forest zone.north garden and florazone,garden production zone,and sports从国外实例来看,可分力人文型(如黄国钮约长当L0w01 SLAND)、自然型(如加拿大托等话T0F1N0B0)和群玩体触型(如希zone器的PA的名、福尼棕钢湾),但一般规模较小,开发力度也小,以体有休闲、体闲观光、会议度霞为主,并十分连重环境和文太阳岛齐齐哈尔10SolarQiqihaer化林络的保护Islandvenioedreall smallands whichramnfumaind长洲品广州录江115黄埔军校、军率辉览、田园风光、深井河scapes,historic attrations,and urban cultures.ChangzhoZhujiang游芝,科考船、老镇风情,Hungpu militaryLooking into foreign sample projects,there are humanistic style (e.g.Long Island in New York),natural style (Tofino,BC inu IsiandRiverschool military museum,idyllic scenery.Canada),as well as recreational style(such as Paxo lsland in Greece and Palm Bay in Sydney)Major topics of these smallShenjing River tour,scientific research boat,projects are sports,recreation,sightseeing,conference and holiday resort Al of them emphasize on protection of culture andold town landscape二沙岛广州孩江125ermronment复贸、办公中心,文艺博览,别墅公寓。理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况希错的Paxos岛Px?:岛的宣传材料是这样损述的,“为情人和过渡藏张的生意人,为浪漫和爱探险的人,为喜欢太阳的人和海员,为孩子和拥有年轻心灵的人,为诗人和实用主义者。为艺术家和的鱼者,为家应和风独者。事实上为所有人。所有需要休息和思考,做松和享乐的人”,沿啊曲小径步行、例林漫步、断冰、在获窄遮陈的小街选购艺术品,码头边上的咖障亭,在友好的家直酒店吃缓、各种各样的住瑞设检,色括优美的酒店,豪华别墅。现代公寓,家庭住宿和石筑村含等有野程区,靠天野营区。Residence of Poseidon and VenusiswrittenhrpmaterialPax that-for valerinendomndforsun lover and seaman,for children and those who have young interior,for poet and pragmatist,for artist and fisherman,for family andlonely people,in fact,for everybody,who needs rest and think,relax and enjoy lde."Walk on small curvilinear path;Roam in forest:Shopin narrow sunshade street searching tor artwork Cafe besides marina Having dinner in friendty family restaurant Various accommoda-tion facilities,including elegant hotel,deluxe modemapetmfommodyageoge etc Picnic zoe05small playground,outdoor camping area.加拿大托罪诺Chesterman Beach提供了环太平洋地区最的园林采观。它的南北两侧相连接。创造了一个沙第,这个沙第成为连接Frank Island和大山和海洋骨最的桥果。这个3公里长的沙滩。离托菲诺载仅4公里。托菲请是观棘,钧鱼:白然游莫的中心,背景虽崎姬不平但十分优美的,住宿被设计成舒适的但却是验立的。私人住宿是作为远足,冲浪。或沙滩拔涉的出发点。Chesterman Beach,Tofino of Canadaea beach offersomeofthe mst beautifulndsthe PacfioRimreorthndoiconnect,creating a sands pit,this sands pit acts as a bridge to Frank lsland with spectacular mountain and ocean back-drop.This 3 km stretch of sand is located 4km from the town of Tofino.Tofino is the tourist hub for whale and nature cruses.The seting is rugged and beautiful the accommodation is designed for comfort and soltudeThe private accommodation is a base for hiking surfing,whales watching or beach trekng理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况目标体系开发设江心洲岛是增强南京区城功能,提高人民生活质量的需求。中国篮游业总收入最还五年平均以每年12,7八速度增长,运高于同期GDP8.3N的平均增长。中回城市瓜民的人均年胶入已达500-1000黄元,从国际经被看,正是裁静消费的急刚扩纸期,世界撩游组蚁T0预测,到2020年,中田将成为量界最大的坡游目的地国。园此开发江心洲农业生态缘游度假区,可以漓是国内特别是长江三角洲不断增长的擦游需求。南京市2001年按游总收入力180.7亿元,服引了来自海内外1777万人次的旅游者:2002年擦游收入突破200亿元,接特国内外旅游者达到2012万人次:2003年虽受兽典影响,位旅静总收入仍达242.5亿元人民币:2004年擦游总收入须计将达312亿元,在这四年中,全市擦游总收入分别增长了16外,22、10%、和285,体现了南京旅游业的良好发展势头和巨大渴力.按照(南京市旅游信增计划)的要求,到2005年,南京全市按游总收入将在2000年基码上期一香:年均增幅15飞:搬游创汇整4.42亿奠元,年均增幅15队:南京擦游经济将迈上新台阶。06Objectivesvement of iangandtherequrment toNanng'egonunconeimprovngquality of Nanjing inhabitantsChinas tourism gross income has been increasing at the rate of 127%per year over the recent five years,much higher than theincrease rate of GDP(83%)of the same period The average yearty income of Chinese city ressdents has reached 500-1000USD.In the light of international experience,this is a time of drastic increase in tourism spending.As according to estimationby the World Travel Organization,by the year 2020,China will become the largest travel destination nabon in the world There.fore,developing the Shiyezhou Tourist Zone will meet the ever-increasing demand for tourism in the Yangtze Deita areaNanjing's tourism income in 2001 was 18.07billion yuan with 17.77million tourists from Chian and abroad.In 2002,the figuresoared to 20billion yuan with 20.12million tourists.Although hampered by SARS in 2003,tourism income still reached 24.25biion yuan.I was predicted to have 31.2billion yuan in 2004.Tourism income growth in the last four years are 16%,22%10%.and 28%relatively,which shows good development tendency and huge market potential According to Nanjing's toursmgrowth plan,tourism income of Nanging will be doubled from 2000 in 2005 with an annual growth of 15%and 442million USDforeign exchange with 15%annual growth will be achieved Nanjing's tourism economy will step to a new platform in this year江心洲理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况目标体系Objectives开发设江心洲被游度区符合南京城市总体规划,行合南京城市三大发展目标,充满经济活力的he development of Jianginzhou Tourism Zone complles with the overall planning of the Nanjing city The Nanjingmunicipal government has set three major objectives in developing the city:1.a city with economic vigor 2 a city with城市一长江下等规代化的中心城市,言有文化特色的城市一回际影响较大的历史文化名城,是culture features 3 a citywith agreeable and pleasant residential environment The government has also drafted blueprintfor Jiangxinzhou as leisure and tounsm zones.Mearwhile,Nanjing's urban structural plan has also decided the two islands佳人居环换的城市一人与自然和谣共生的江孩城市、同时,南京城市空间规划结构上,也相两个(Baguazhou and Jiangonzhou)in Yangtze River to be ecological green belts In the plan it provides:"Based on green open长江洲地(八卧洲和江心洲)作为绿色生态南道,“应以绿色开散空间力主体,以休闲农业、特色龄spaces,recreational agriculture and unique tourism will be developed as major functions"(Page 11,Nanjing Urban Master游为主要能”(南京市城市总体规划1991-2010。第11页)P1an1991-2010)A huge associated build-up effect would be generated by developing of Jiangxinzhou.As core city of urban ring.Nanng开发设江心洲会产生E大联动服集效应。南京作为南京都市需的族心城市,对周边镇、桥地区及plays a leading role in bringing up tourism industries in surroudning Ning,Zhenjiang.Yangzhou areas would be a good邻省部分地区的旅游产业综合发展具有极大的秀头作用:5年第十品全四远动会在南京的萃行和opportunity for the development local tourism because the 10th National Games will be held in Nanjing and Jianginzhouwill be deveoped in 2005 will provide verygood marketing access and open a window for exhibiting and propelling the对发展江心洲披游是一个很好的机会:为现有隙骑所点的扩大形有行三体融资种丰干少并逻受供了07ourisstry by holding these event Therefore with the support of Yangtze River landscape resources,it will be很好的宣传途径。因此依托长狂聚观资源,大力发展衣业生态傲游度隆区,以较少投入获得较强的helpful to improve the development of Nanjing's tourism industry by the implementation of agricultural ecologcal holidayresort and tourism zone at a low costs and thus provide Nanjing's tourism new approach for increase.带站力,将十分有利于拓展向京被游业的广度和深度,给南京皱游业带来新的增长点。In order to be a first class tourism zone and holiday resort,Jiangdnzhou should look deeply inside to its development con江心洲要成为一流的按游度假区,还必须对她的发黑条件、客落市场和规划板念作相当深入的分析。dtions,customer resource market as well as planning idea按游开发定位包括市场。份格、游客发型,棕游生驱等。缘静市场定位和擦静产品开发(景点与服Tourism development orientation includes market,price,tourist type,tourism theme,etc.Tourism market orientation andtourism products development (attractions and services)should meet demands of the market at the same time avoid务)冬须适应市场需求,同时,应菌免与开发相关的所有权买卖,这样将会导政所有权分戴。阳得development related property right trade,which will dcentralize property right and hamper the integrity of development开发的整体性。应提售成熟。透明度高,面向市场的开发项目Therefore mature,highly transparent and market orientated developments are encouraged江心洲的市场开发以四内游客为主体,当日游览的游客市场主要面对从上海、苏南、苏中地区白等Target tourists are mainly local and national tourists,inside which one-day travellers are mainly from Shanghal,southJiangsu and central Jiangsu Province while those spend more than one day in Jiangoinzhou will mainly come from cities车搬游,过夜游客布场主要面对从上酒,合肥,杭州等三角洲城非前来周来隆霞,会议被游、体育within Yangtze Delta like Shanghai Hefei,and Hangzhou for the purpose of spending weekend,conference travel and拔游的游客,开麦应重视特珠的客市场,包括体自训练,较育课程,专门培训,地方商务会议带sports travel Attention should be paid on special market demand,such as sports training.special training,business cofer-ence,eto被游接待设施的标准注章多元化。由于江心洲的腺客接特量将日渐增大,既整有离极的星级接特设More attention to hotel facilities As more and more travellers rush to Jiangxinzhou,both high class hotels and certain施,也应开发一定规极的经济实声的佳所,如家庭拔馆、小型宿费地等amount of economical accomodations such as home hotels and small camps have to be built理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况特色定位言有都市农业特色的生态被游雀图示范区都市农业:位于内都(城内)或在城镇、城市或大都会边峰(环城),生产或养殖、加工或运输各种食用和非食用的产显。广泛使用人力和材科资源,城市内及环城的产品和版务,为镀城市地区大量提供人力和材料资潭,产品及层务。都市农业体现的是都市图边的中小型城镇与都市协调共生爱展的关系,都市衣业是城市大型德的化发展的必要补充和罩强后脂,为都市提供充足的必要产是和开放空间,是城市工业和服务业的有生朴充。一中四科学院地理科学与资落研究所在长江三角洲按游阴络中,南京有优炉。也有不足,它有区域变通优势、旅静区位优势、擦游资萃优势。但也有款彩产品的劣势,虽有传统的山水风景和人文最观,但缺乏有特色的棕合性座假区。南京的棕游收入和接持人效二直名列全省端一,城市的擦游特色定位干历史古都擦游,虽然历史损点众多,但是大多是观光性的景点,在旅游内容的参与性上,译不能与二酒城疗交吧、“万绑国林古无切太海族游为杭州西满十斯”牙相比,南东的撑游08须增加可以让器客主动参与、康身体验的被游条点彩内客,以业离能裤项目对指客的吸度的价位感。丁Special orientationodeourismzone with urban agricltrmarkUrban agriculture:Products and services which are in inner city or outskirt area of city or metroplis,which produces.raises.processes or transports vanous edble or inedible foods,by widely using human resources,materials andnatural resources.and which provide huge amount of human resources,materials and natural resources to city region Urban agriculture reflects the co-xsting relation between the city and its surrounding outskirt towns.Urbanagriculture is the necessary and strong support for intensive development of a city As supplementary element to urban industry and service,it provdes necessary products and enough open spaces for the cityGeographical Science and Resource Research Institute of China Science AcademyNanjing has both strength and weakness in the tourism network of Yantze River Delta.On one hand,its strength includes tramc,geographical location and tourism resources,on the other hand,its weakness is reflected by deficientof comprehensive holiday resort with strong identity Number of tourists and tourism income in Nanjing are always the first place of the province Historic city travel is the major tourism theme of the city Athough there are a ot oftourists'attractions in Nanjing.tourism of Nanging is still not able to compete with tourism activities like Shanghai urban culture,Suzhou ancient garden town,Wud Tahu Lake Tour,and the Ten Scenes of Xihu Lake in Hangzhou,due to its monotony in sightseeing Way to enhance the competitiveness of Nanjing tourism is to implant contents,which allow participation of toursts,into toursts'attractions and scenery areas,in order to make them more attrac-tive to tourists.理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况场地分析Site Analysis社会经清发展江心洲鸟规有压住人12万人,其中衣业人11400人.有劳动力4700人。镇结3个村袋会,24个村民小组are 3 village commissions and 24 villager groups江心洲色现状用地中城销及独立厂区用地18公顷,乡舍及村四住片区1247公顷,变通用地11,4公顷,辅地For exdsting land use situation,18ha are used for industry,124.7ha for villages,11.4ha for traffic,and 800ha for800公顷,全岛绿化覆盖窄47片。cropland Green coverage ratio of the island is 47%江心洲色现有1座日处理能力为4万陆规模的城布污水厂,1座35万伏变电所、1虚日产8000纯自来水厂,1There is one sewage treatment plant with capacity of 640,000t/d,one 35kv transformer station,one waterworks座日清15克垃级中转站,1所卫生殊,1所门撑都、2所初级中学,1所中心小学、2所幼儿圆。江心洲现有6米宽的水泥溶面贯穿洲南北。全长15公里,描合江规的环测溶长24公里,江心洲的对外夜通现在with capacity of 8.000t/d,one waste transit station with capacity of 15t/d,one hospital,one clinic,2 secondary主要依靠位于东侧夹江边的汽涯和客运码头,现有1座汽没,3隆人浸,schools,one primary school,and 2 kindergartens on Jiangxinzhou Island江心洲2002年实现四内生产急值2.4亿元,农民人均收入6200元。江心测的第一产业以客业、种植业、淡水养There is a 6m wide concrete road,which is 15km long cuts through the island from south to north.island ring痛业为主,总产值6000万元,第二产业主要是小型工业。产值为9亿元,第三产业的擦游业以及其他服务业的产road combined with the dyke,is 24m long.External tramo now mainly relies on the passenger ferry on the east值为3亿元,江心测的经济支柱产业是以发北为基型的域湖业,以量猴酱蘭园乐精品林果品黄菜种蔬因,特种水产养殖为主要内容。side of the island There are onesterry bogt and 3 manpower erry boats under operation.12in 2002.Jiangonzhou's GOP was240million yuan Per capta farmer income was 6.200yuan.Primary industry ofJiangonzhou mainly includes agriculture,plantation,and freshwater farming with 60million GDP Secondaryindustry of the island mainly comprises of small-scale industries,with GDP of 900million yuan Tertiary industryof the island mainly contains tourism and other servces,whose GDP was 300million yuan Economic backbone米of Jiangxnzhou is agricultural based tourism,which contains major contents such as grape garden,orchard,vegetable plantation,special aquanculture规划用地性质调整江心洲理躓素前网ZC.ET Brief Introduction项目慨况发展条件评估Evaluation on Development Condition国际被游业是21世纪最具发展潜力的新兴产业,而中回国内擦游业总体上进入快速发根期。ternational tourism is the most promising new industry with great potential in the 21st Century China's national tourism hasentered into a fast development phase.Tourism revenue in 2002 was 553bllion yuan,which was 10.7%more compared to 2001成为主要增长点.2002年拔静收入5530亿元,比2001年增长10.7%,高于8N的00P增长and was faster than the growth rate of GDP which was 8%.According to the plan worked by China Tourism Bureau,by the year速度。根据中国被游局的规划,到2020年中国将成为世界第一的擦游接特大回,外汇收入2020,China will become number one tourism country of the world with 50billion USD foreign exchange revenue,and Yangtze River达到500亿美元。其中长江三角洲地区将成力中四擦静业务发震的示范地区,擦静内容将由Delta will become model tourism region of China till then,whose tourism pattern will transforme from merely sightseeing to sight-seeing,vacation,and recreation and entertainment观光搬游向观光,搜假。体闲综合性转变There are five so called golden tourism belts,which are located along Yangtze River,East Sea,Grand Canal,Taihu Lake,as well as长江三角洲的域游发展有沿江。沿太装、泊海、泊大运溪和沿护宁线等五大黄金游经济Shanghai-Nanjing strip Located at the intersection of Yangtze River tourism belt and Shanghai-Nanjing tourism belt Jiangxinzhou带。南烹江心洲地处关江沿江嫁游带和沿沪宁棱擦游磨的交汇点,随着区城越消业的整体发Island will show much advantages with the integral development of the regional tourismmighyeon,Jiangnzo boasts ofncoparale climate,reororists resources.With the holiday policy of展:优奶十分明显工13China undergoore and more doeply as well as with the oonomic growin and people's willing to travel around,comprehensive江心洲位于中国经济最为爱达和意有发限滑力的长江三角洲地区,具有无可比板的气候,资holiday resort and toursm zone which integrate catering.sports,recreation and entertainment will gain huge market space Jangx源和客夏布场忧势。随着中四假日放策改革的不新深入,年随经济发展和人们擦章识的不inzhou has following advantages to be such kind of tourism zoneProper geographical position within the region断提高,具有体验生活、率富饮食,健身、体闲娱乐功能的惊合型度地具有巨大的市场空Strong accessibility in rail traffic network,regional road间,江心洲要成为这一度假地具有下列优奶条件:在本市和与外省市通道中的地位置适network,and urban road network中Close to city center and easily accessible from the city centerUnique resource combination with Baguazhou Landscape在轨道月、公溶同、城市道路网中的可达性强。Zone and Qianzhou Landscape Zone will make water related与尚中心越尺之温,联系便捷。events possible与八数洲风景区、潜洲风凝区影成婆一无二的资源组合,也有水上项目实施的可能ldyllic scenery with nice ecological environment and landscape规状田圈风光,生态环境和景观质量较好qualityLow development cost,which will be an impetus for the devel-相对较低的开发成本。开发可带动周边地区的发侧。opmnt of surrounding areas江心剂理躓素前网ZC.ET Planning Idea规划概念基本概念体现钱学拉较授“山水镜市”的概多故事线索:港--一田圆-一一民俗一一一生活四个阶段。发展日标:度霞天堂、体闲胜地,益萃自然风光、复阳生态人性。适当设低层高档、分时度假水上属所,成为城市属民度霞第二四所。景观文缘:田圆风光,第外农趣、沙滩、树林。岛的自然景观与民俗文化交融,达到水清、岸操,最美、游畅规划准则德景效应准则:集中设,岐镇、度缨村相对中,蔬密有序,显务设梳完善生活、度假方便磁力效应准刚,人群吸引点设多功能满足游客需求,多中心效应准则:大售中、小分散,组国发展,形成各有特色的功整区,环境意象准则(飘文·林奇):①路径(th),即运动并在运诗中观襄周围环境的通道,通常是人们进入某一环境的必经之途,也是人们对环境进行认如的首豪=质②边界(dge),用来划分不回性质区威的界帮,一般力线性,图区城(ditr1ot),粉具有某些共同特性或性质的区罐,④书点(ode):三是交买,生数种质在广还等人们认环项的关位点.。下标志(adak)是域市中特点突出的定向她盟锡,如离枝、纪念种、财塑、广告招牌以及特17球的础筑棉第,大和们依气列佛万每,计期地点,熟悉道临及区娃。Basic ConceptDevelopment objectives:Holiday heaven,recreational resort concentration of natural landscape.return of nature.High class housing on the water will bebuilt as hotel for spending holidays.Scenery and culture:kyllic scenery.rural farming field,beach.forest.mixture of folk cuture and istand scene Clear water,green bank nice landscape.andpleasant moodPrincipleseairincipeandihoudmraivelyred wth comp acitesThe magnet principle:deploy multiple functions to attract peopleThe multi-center principle:concentrated on the whole with moderate separationErrionmental image principle(Kevin Lynch):1.Path:Path means passage used for observing surrounding erronment during movement.Normally it is theaccess to enter a place by certainty and the first link to learn an environment 2.Edges Edges are borders to dide areas with dfferent functions.Normally itis linear.3.Districts.Districts are areas with similar or same properties.4 Nodes Nodes refer to intersection,plaza,or other key spots for people to indentify an enrionment 5.Landmarks:Landmarks are used for positioning in a city,such as highrise,monument,sculpture,and special buildings,eto Peopleudge orientation,indentify location,Acquaint with roads and areas with landmarks.理躓素前网ZC.ET Planning Idea规划概念景观概念Landscape Conceptt形成直色稀水,操色森林。筑如红,绿蜜石壤嵌其中的大地景观系统ue lake,green forest,red buldng,emerald embedesyem生态环境Ecological Environment广板绿化,调温、防风、防限,防尘」力求节能和资藤循环利用。nmore trees tost temperature and base wind and oiseSave energy and recycle resources职工生活和游客产生污水的污染信主要是生物需氧量、化学耗氧量,氨氯Domestic sewage contains pollutants like blological oxygen demand,chemical oxygen consumption,ammonia nitrogen,floating substances,etc.By悬浮物等,通过先进和合理的工艺,处理常达到100然,地块实行精、污水means of state-of-art treatment process,pollutants could be treat by 100%.Stormwater and sewage will be disposed separated分流制。Proper use of water resource.sewage after treatment wall be used as road water spraygreen irrigation and recycling合理利用水资露,处理后尾水用作道路西水。绿化用水守循环利用二Sound level during the day will meet Level ll district standard of urban district ervrionmental noise standard and Level Ill district standard in.the量网平均等效声级符合“城市区域环境娱韩(930900)一卖运标7NE18准,夜问平均等效声级符合三类区标准。Place dusins,domesiic wasts to be collected and compressed设立国定坟圾简,生活攻圾经胶费压撞。Open the dyke at projected wild animal protection zone to have the lowland submerged by wrater Stormwater will be colected Aquatic animais andplants are to be introduced to the area.Water is filtered by the ground surface and discharged into watercourses for water supplementation在舰划原生态地貌保护区域,开枚人工埋岸,将水引入低地淹没,并进一岁Develop ecological agncuture,no chemical herbicide and insecticide are used.Aquicuture is lemited to a reasonable scale.Planting and farming存蓄雨水。引入水生动植物,过视地表排水,旋复自然国道生态,organized by natural food chain,for example,the combination of fish pond and drowned paddy field,is recommended发展生态农业,不侵用化学除草刻和除由制。限制大量水产养殖,议以Local building materials are used to build houses.自然食物链组织种植和养短。如鱼城、养聘德和流水和田的结合。Diversity of species will be protected采用当地材科造房屋Proper energy and energy consumption management to protect clean soil,water,and air保护生态多样性,通过合适的能源和蒲耗管理来保护干净的土壤、水和空气,江心理躓素前网ZC.ET