RIVERFIRSTCONFLUENC患尚输7 6.NE1A joining or flowing together of people and watersRIVERFIRST is inspired from the Dakota concept of B'Dotea sacred joining of waters.RIVERFIRST restores and expands the idea of confluence to include the joiningof healthy bio-filtered storm water tributaries with the river,flows of transpor-DCSIGNRIVERFIRSTtation and information,flows of people,capital and green revenue sources.WeTom Leader Studio Landscape Architecture.Berkeley.CAKennedy Violich Architecture Architecture Planning,Boston.MAjoin renewal of the Minneapolis riverfront with municipal needs to grow a greenKestrel Design Group/Landcape Architecture,Minneapolis.MNeconomy.provide jobs.join communities with healthy local food and improve theTimothy J.Griffin.AIA.AlCP.LEED AP,Director,Saint Paul on the Miss.Design Centerecological health of the Mississippi River in the 21st century.David Motzenbecker,Landscape Architect.Minneapolis,MNCNGINECRINGThe RIVERFIRST team is a confluence of creative interdisciplinary thinking.eco-Sherwood Civil Engineering.Cambridge,MA/San Francisco,CA/New York,NYnterFluve.Environmental Engineering.Madison,WI/Hood River.ORlogical research and design.The TLS/KVA team began with a core of designersKnippers Helbig /Structural Engineering.New York,NY/Stuttgart,Germanywho have worked together and share an approach that questions and cultivatesSRF Consulting/Traffic Engineering.Minneapolis,MNthe originality of place.The team grew organically through extensive and continu-LBG-Guyton Associates/Environmental Engineering.Saint Paul,MNCCONOMCSous exploration of the Minneapolis community.Vital local knowledge and experi-Donjek/Development Strategy.Saint Paul,MNence with ecology and fluvial process,economics and planning.engineering,com-Economic Development Services/Economic Strategy,Minneapolis,MNmunity development,history and culture has expanded the team and overflowedConsultEcon Economic Planning.Cambridge,MAinto the RIVERFIRST Network.a consortium of over 120 engaged citizen consult-Mortensen Construction/Preconstruction Management,Minneapolis,MNDavid Frank.Schafer Richardson Real Estate.Minneapolis,MNants,organizations and advisers.This process of learning and listening is a firstMCDIAstep that reflects how we will work to move this project forward.Proverb Graphic Design.Boston.MASolid Gold /Soundtrack,Minneapolis,MN興尚理甄素村网Z.Z沁.EI PARK RCSPONDS TO 21ST CCNTURY CHALLCNGCSThe Minneapolis Riverfront Competition provides aWATERchance to consider how a Park system can protect thenational ecological heritage of the Minneapolis River-As we move forward our technology.front and the Mississippi River,provide for communityunderstanding.and our values and needs wlhealth and prosperity and prepare Minneapolis withchange-and so will the river.RIVERFIRST isresilient,multi-tasking and sustainable eco-infrastruc-a vehicle for the public to better understandture.River access may increase in value as energy costsriver ecology and can change the way peoplemanage.interact,recreate,and perceive therise and warming climate shortens winter port clo-river.The natural river's processes of mowsures.Green house gas emissions need to be reduced.ing sediment.creating beaches and riparianStorm water systems must be adapted to accommodatevegetation and our public need for improvedincreasing uncertainty in local climate variability.Urbanwater quality and functional ecology togethergrowth must be accommodated.The RIVERFIRST Parkcan drive the Park landscape and build ahroad base of public support to atlow the riverconsiders these challenges as the means to enable ato function more naturally."blue green way of life to flourish in Minneapolis and toLon Mickelson,INTERFLUEVEattract the brightest creative minds to live in Minneapolisin 2050,when a more mobile work force will have theirchoice of different regional mega-centers.Our project focuses on the design of strategic relation-ships between larger social,natural,civic and econciicecologies.Our approach conserves energy and maxi-mizes the beneficial public impacts of the new Park byasking:"How can the presence or perceived 'waste'ofone system be used to build another?The RIVERFIRSTPark proposes a set of creative,inter-related design1 Mississippi River global transportation linksinitiatives that function at multiple scales.Physicalconcepts for the new Park design are expanded by Parkoutreach strategies to raise public awareness about con-sumer choice impacts on the overall River system.Theseinclude Park grown food and 1%Park profit streamsfrom RIVERFIRST green lawn fertilizer and clean roadsalt.A solar Park WiFi network expands public accessto existing USGS river monitoring services and provides2Mississippi River nutritional run offRIVERFIRST Park offers a comprehensive remediation of thelocal and national public education about the ecology ofcity's storm water management system and its conceptualthe UMR.attracting world class institutional,corporatetransformation into a confluence of 'tributaries'that are natu-and organizational partners to the RIVERFIRST Parkrally cleansed by planted bio-filtration designs and returned tothe River.The recovery of Northside wetlands,and the designinitiative.The RIVERFIRST Park proposal is visionaryof storm water remediation ravines'on the East side integrateand practical in the 4-5 year time frame and impactful inPark land with municipal eco-infrastructure.public access tothe 40 year frame of 2050.We want to jumpstart a greatthe River and a wide range of recreation activities.As a sourceMinneapolis riverfront park at this critical environmentalof public enjoyment and education,the RIVERFIRST Park shapestipping point.The design of the new Park can be a pow-new ways for people to engage.recreate and socialize along theerful public force that sets changes in motion.3Minnesota Watershed diagramriver,building public consensus to support the gradual openingof a closed pool and its transformation to a living river..理览J.ET RIVCR CITY FARVICW PARK LAND IBRIDGOThe Farview Land Bridge is the centerpiece for the new River City Innovation District.which draws on Minneapolis expertise in innovative materials.medical,scientificand smart technologies.A zone of four story office and light industrial buildingsoffset the Parkland tax base.Renovated industrial buildings are adapted for work/live housing near term.A future education and job training cluster and hotel will bedeveloped along the Lowry Bridge.Farview Park marks the historic high land point in the City.This park will nowextend across 1-94 to reconnect North Minneapolis to the river,providing accessto the center of the River City Innovation district.A new highway bridge includes acommunity-based urban farm and hoop houses with CO,harvesting for plants fromthe highway below.A seasonal storm water stream will descend through a series ofpublic park rooms"with pedestrian bridges and land berms.In cooperation with North side community leaders and organizations.RIVERFIRSTPark farming offers a new model for local,sustainable urban food production thatcelebrates diverse cultures and culinary traditions while building local communi-ties.As more people and businesses in the City adopt local Park-grown foods.themore they may question mega-scaled mono agriculture policies which must rely onchemicals and fertilizers that inevitably leek into the river.The River City district will attract corporations such as Cotoplast who can recruitemployees who value a life style with proximity to Park trails.locally grown andhealthy food,and a sustainable commute by bike or shuttle bus.Corporations cre-ate a job base that includes corporate employees and trainees,clinics,food.diningand local catering services,banks.health clinics,fabricators,and small businessesassociated with rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing.The RIVERFIRSTstrategy includes a conference center for continuing and higher education and jobtraining to develop the skills needed by workers and employers in a dynamic globaleconomy.Internal Growth500a Farview Park High PointBarge Theaterb Existing Neighborhoodk New Office/ResearchExternal Growthc Neighborhood storm water collectionWaterfront Plaza100d Urban Farm and Greenhousesm Riverfront Amphitheatere Daylighted Stream and Landform Parkn Park Pavilliont Pedestrian Bridgeo Barge Restaurantg Farmer's Marketp Nice Ride Bike StationDevelopmentEducafion50h Barge Restaurantq 26th Steet Bike PathRail line理览J.ET