56 Leonard Street byHerzog de Meuron08:12赫尔佐格和德梅隆设计伦纳德大街56号住宅楼Herzog de Meuron has made aunique contribution to anotherArchiteeture and Urbanismgreat architectural prototype住宅错落地叠加串联在一起。室内与室外as construction begins in NewYork City on the first high-rise完整地融于一体,被筑师称为“叠在空tower of the firm's career.56中的房子”。该住宅楼的面积从133m到Leonard Street will be a 57-story593m不等.其中包括含25个卧室的住residential condominium at the宅和10个阁楼房,每套的售价从350万intersection of Church Street and美元到3,300万美元不等。Leonard Street in the Tribeca该楼预计于2010年晚秋可开始入住。Historic District of downtownManhattan,where it will rise地拉那城和国际评委围宣布MVRDVBottom.lef:General tiene.Topabove cobbled streets and historicInterior vie of the residence.19th century neighbors.The直得湖滨区总体规划的国际竞标赛,该项Middle.above:Close-up tiewetower will house 145 residences目位于阿尔巴尼亚首都南部的地拉那湖沿Images courtesy of Heraogeach with its own unique floorTirana Rocks by MVRDV岸,将造一片包含一个公园和公共设的de Meuron.2008.Middleplan and private outdoor space,inWins Lakeside Competition在内的新的都市密集区MVRDV赢得地拉那湖滨项目竞标Rocks.Bottom.right:Aeriala veritable cascade of individual地拉那湖是该城是有价值的绿色区之tien Images courtesy of thehomes that the architects describe一,在这个20ha的基地上,将创造出一个architects.p.8.top:Interioras "houses stacked in the sky."ciete p.8.bottom:Generalblending indoors and outdoorsThe city of Tirana and an都市密集住宅区和一片开放的空间,包括tietc.Images courtey of公园、休闲娱乐设施,新公共空同和生态区。seamlessly together.Homesinternational jury haveavailable at 56 Leonard Street willannounced MVRDV as the winner届时,这里将焕然一新。Architecture.p.8.middle.left悬挑而倾斜的筑体代表的是类型多range in size from 1.430 squareof the competition for the urbanPhoto by Melissa Kasemanmasterplan for creating a new样的公寓楼、商场和办公楼,同时呼应了feet to 6,380 square feet.andp,&middle,right:Peewill include two-to five-bedroomdense urban neighborhood with地拉那城市的地形。堆叠扭转的体量创通Zumthor.Photo courtesy ofresidences and ten penthousesa park and public facilities on the出一片壮观的公共空间和戏剧性变化的纵p.9.belou;left:ChaisePrices for the residences at 56shore of Tirana Lake,in the south深景观。筑采用当地石材覆于外层,如Sculpture Bodyguard 2007Leonard Street range from $3.5of the Albanian capital.同一块块“巨石”,或可称为“地拉那巨石”Photo courtesy of cCollectionmillion to $33 million.Tirana Lake is one of the most总体规划共包括225,000m的住室楼Jose Mugrabi.p.9.abowe.right:Interior vimwe of rightOccupaney at 56 Leonard Streisugr③角nete60.009可/的办公模/20004m的公共期anticipated in late fall 2010.yi西orojed forusees the算,60.000m的零售空间、15.000㎡的酒Bertin.Germany.1901.Photoregeneration of a 20 hectaresby Waldemar Titzenthaler.p.9.site on the north shore of the店、20.000m的运动和娱乐设施和一个停below,right:Echibition sketch车场赫尔佐格和德梅隆在钮约创造了又lake by creating a dense urbanfrom Yona Friedman's stdio.by set designer Alexandm个独一无二的筑类型,这是该事务所在neighborhood and liberating项目预计于2010年开始设,总投资纽的设计的第一练高层筑,位于曼哈顿space for a park,recreational预计达到6亿数元,除了MVRDV外,其urren累贝卡历史区伦钠德大街和教棠掌大街的交facilities.new public spaces他参与这一项目竟赛的有伯里斯和威尔逊本页。左下:全蒙图:上:汇处,是一幢57层高的住宅公寓楼,将and ecologic interventions.筑师事务所、大卫·切波菲尔德筑师住宅的蜜内:中上:住宅楼鹤立于鹅卵石小道和19世纪古筑之间The cantilevered and leaning事务所和卡洛斯·法雷塔近景:中下:“地拉那岩石全buildings allow for a great variety该公寓楼共提供145套住房,每套都有它聚:右下:俯做图,8页of apartment types,shopping上:室内景观:下:全景:左独特的平面布局和私人户外空间。一个个and offices and 'echo'the Tirana中:五角大楼纪念碑一景:typology.The stacked and twisted右中:陵得·卒姆托头像。9volumes create spectacular public真,左下:2007保谭的双轮题spaces and provide dramatic塑:右上:德国柏林氟嘉蒙烟vistas.Clad in local stones,the物馆的右售。1901年:右下:buildings turn into a series of来自光纳·弗莱德曼工作室的rocks'.the 'Tirana Rocks'展览草图,由装置设计师亚历山德拉·号林格尔设计。The masterplan consistsof 225.000 m'housing.MVRD60.000m2 offices.20.000m56 Leonardpublic buildings,60.000 mretail,a hotel of 15.000 m'and20,000 m'sport and recreationalfacilities and a car park.The startof construction is envisioned for2010.and the total estimatedinvestment is 600 million eurosIn addition to MVRDV.otherparticipants in the competitioninclude Bolles +Wilson.DavidTirana Rocks bChipperfield Architects and CarlosFerrater.興尚理蜀素衬网Z.ZS心 InterviewLluis Hortet:Mies van der Rohe Award in China访谈:路易·奥特:密斯·凡·德·罗奖在中国Fostering Achitecture and Culture Exchange in China选择中国,推动中欧筑文化交流It is the third time that the European Union Prize for这是欧盟当代筑奖一密斯·凡·德·罗奖第三次来中国作展览contemporary Architecture,Mies Van der Rohe award is shownin China.Visitors of Chinese cities remain impressed by its中国的活力给我们留下深刻的印象,马路上到处可见起重机的身影和vibrant activity.Streets are full of movement;here and there施工的场景,工人们把旧房子拆倒,留出空地给大块的住宅楼,办公楼you see cranes and construction sites,workers are everywhere基础设施、大型公和无所不在的外资企业。包括单体公共空tearing down old buildings in order to leave space to the bigblocks of houses,offices,infrastructural works,big warehouses间和新城设在内的城市的各个层面都得到新发展,可谓一项项巨大and the omnipresent international chains.All the scales of the的都市改造计划。city are being redeveloped.singular buildings,public spaces对北京、香港和深圳筑双年展的调查引起一轮对中国筑的新and even the construction of new cities that is to say,big urbanprojects.Research has allowed new architectural debates like the探讨,北京奥运会成为中国影响力传播的最重要典范,勾起了全世界ones which took place at the Architectural Biennials in Beijing.人民对这个国家正在发生的事情的兴趣。不仅外国筑师在这里起Hong Kong and Shenzhen.and the Olympic Games have了各具特色的摩天大楼、机场、酒店、礼堂等筑物,而且中国筑probably been the most important example of internationaldiffusion and interest for what is happening in the country.师也开始逐渐为世界所瞩目Foreign architects have built buildings of big singularity like中国城市日新月异,密斯·凡·德·罗基金会希冀融入中欧筑skyscrapers,airports,hotels,auditoriums,but Chinese architects文化交流这项有益的事业当中,尽一份绵薄之力。作为欧洲最重要的have also begun to be renowned worldwide.Chinese cities are changing and the Mies van der Rohe一个筑奖项一密斯·凡·德·罗奖关注欧洲职业筑师对筑设Foundation wanted to participate in this cultural exchange计新理念和新技术发展的重大贡献,同时,它也帮助个体和公共机构between European and Chinese architecture.The Mies vander Rohe Award.draws attention to the major contribution更清楚地理解筑在我们城市设中的文化意义,进一步说,它在两by European professionals to the development of new ideas个重要方面促进了筑的发展:鼓励跨国委托及筑师的创作在整个and technologies.At the same time,it offers both individuals欧盟内的流动:鼓励刚踏人职业生涯的新锐筑师,and public institutions an opportunity to reach aclearerunderstanding of the cultural rol of archte tur网t≤西方健筑师已将行他新的空间科形式的概念引人中国,但由于东construction of our cities.Furthernfore.the Award sets out to方传就文化的差一被维说这些巴经在中国深人人心。中国正在经foster architecture in two significant ways:by stimulating greater历西方社会已经经历过的巨变,我们的展览展示了与中国在不同尺度circulation of professional architects throughout the entireEuropean Union in response to transnational commissions and不同筑语言和不同地形下的优秀筑案例以及值得向中国引荐的工by supporting young architects as they set off on their careers.作方式,尽管欧洲的尺度比中国小,但它的筑保持了很高的造品Western architects have brought a new concept of space and质和设计品质,值得中国借鉴form to the Chinese tradition,but it is difficult to say they havetaken root in China because of the totally different culturaltraditions between both societies.China is in a period of选择高校,影响未来的筑师rapid change and transformation which the Western societies我们倾向于在知名的筑学高校举办这个展览,是考虑到筑的have already experienced.The exhibition shows architectureexamples of different scales.languages and typologies which研究和创作都始于大学,大学培养了将来设我们城市和乡村的筑have allowed the consolidation and extension of European cities.师和规划师。这次展览中的作品不仅是2世纪欧洲筑创作最正统的working methods which can probably be extended to China.敦育成果,也是对筑结构、新的造方式、可持续发展和城市改造Although the European scale is much smaller than the Chineseone,its architecture has been able to maintain a high degree ofconstruction and conceptual quality which Chinese architectureshould also consolidate.Influencing Future Architects in UniversitiesArchitecture research and creativity begins at the Universitieswhich help bring up the future generations of architects andurbanists who will build our villages and cities.Examples likethe ones which are shown in the exhibition allow not only tosee the most formal results of 21st century architecture but theresults of research into themes such as structural development.new construction methods,sustainable issues and urbanisticinterventions.The Chinese city is going under a very fasttransformation and to do so it has been open to mainly western10理蜀Z.ZS心