OBRAS SIGNIFICATIVASMAIN WORKS1971Casa de Aluminio,Kanagawa1971Aluminum House,Kanagawa1978Casa en Nakano,White U,Tokio1976House in Nakano.White U.Tokyo1984Casa'Silver Hut',vivienda del arquitecto,Tokio1984Siver Hut house of the archtect Tokyo1986Torre de los Vientos,Yokohama,Kanagawa1986Tower o Winds in Yokohama,Kanagawa19389Pabellonde nvitados para Sapporo Beer Brewery,Hokkaido1989Guest House orapporo Beer Brewery.Hokkaido1991Museo Municipal de Yatsushiro,Kumamoto1991Yatsushir Municipal Musem,Kumamoto1993Museo Municipal de Shimosuwa,Nagano1993Shimosuwa Municipal Museum,Nagano199别Residencla de Ancianos en Yatsushiro,Kumamoto1994Old People's Home in Yatsushiro Kumamoto19%Estacion de Bomberos en Yatsushiro,Kumamoto1905Yatsusho Fre Station,Kumamoto19躺Auditorio de Nagaoka,Nigata1990Nagaoka Lyric Hall,Nigata1997Centro de Dia para Mayores+Centro Cultural en Yokohama,Kanagawa1997Community ActivesSenior CtiznsDay Care Center in Yokohama,KanagawaCupula en Odate,AkitaDome in Odate.Akta1998Ayuntamiento de Notsuharu.Oita1998Notsuharu Town Hal,Oita1999Proyecto T-Hall en Taisha Shimane19T-Hall in Taisha,Shimane200Parque de la Agricultura en Oita200Agriculture Park n OitaPabellon para la Expo 2000,HannoverHeath Future Pavlion at Expo 2000.Hannover2001Mediateca de Sendal,Miyagl2001Sendai Medatheque.Myagi2002Pabellon Brujas 2002,Brugge2002Brugge Pavilion 2002 BruggePabellon para la Serpentine Gallery 2002Serpentine Gallery Pavilon 20022003Apartamentos Shinonome Canal Court,Bloque 22003Shinonome Canal Court.Block 22004Centro de Artes Escenicas de Matsumoto,Nagano2004Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre,NaganoEdificio TOD'S Omotesando,TokioTOD'S Omotesando.TokyoPREMIOSY DISTINCIONESAWARDS AND PRIZES19Premio del Instituto Japonis de Arquitectura por la Casa Silver Hut1986Archtectura nstite of Japan Prize forSver Hu193233Premo Mainichi de Arte porlMuse Munipad Yatsushiro33Mainichi Art Award or Yatsushiro Muncipa Muse197Invitado al ors3 parael MoMA亿子CTV1997teothep必npe邮MoMATIAA INTERACH97,Prmio6 Unic6n话t,的ul的0noAA INTERACH97Grand Prixote Union o Aectn Bulgaria,Gold Medal198Premio de Fomento del Arte.Ministerior de Educacion Japons198Educaon Minister's Art Encouragement Prize in apan1999Premios de la Academia de Arte,Ministerio Japons190Jaoan Minister's Art Academy Prizes in Japan2000Premio de Arquitectura Amold W.Brunner Memorial,Academia Americana2000The Amold W.Brunner Memorial Prize in Architecture from American Academyde las Artes y las Letrasol Arts and LettersTitulo de'Academico'de la Academia Internacional de Arquitectura (LAA)Awarded the TiteAcademician'trom The ntematonal Academy o Architecture(AA)2002Gran Premio 2001 a la Excelencia enel Diseno,Organizacion para la Promocion2002Grand Prizeo God DesignAard 2001fromJapan ndustria Design Promondel Diseno Industrial Japones (JIDPO)por la Mediateca de SendaiOrganization (JIDPO)for Sendai MedathequeWorld Architecture Awards 200ejor EdificodeAsiarintaWorld Architeture Awards 2002 Best Buldng inEastAsiapor la Mediateca de Sendalor Sendai Mediathe咬eLeon de Oro por suTrayectoria Profesional,8 Exposicion de Arquitectura InternacionalNEXT en la Bienal de VeneciaNEXT at the Venice Biennale2003Diploma Honorario de la ArchitecturalAssocation2003Honrary Diploma of the Architectural AssoatonPremio del Instituto de Arquitectura de Japon por la Mediateca de SendalArchitectural Insttute o Japan Prize for Sendai Medatheu2004XXPremio Compassod'ro de ADl por el Banco 'Ripples'2004XXADI CompassodOro Award for the Ripples BenchPRIMEROS PREMIOS EN CONCURSOSCOMPETITION FIRST PRIZES190Torre de los Vientos en Yokohama,Kanagawa193Tower of Winds in Yokohama Kanagawa1988Diseno de lluminacion para el Teatro de la Opera de Frankfurt,Alemania1988Lighting Design or Opera House in Frankdurt.Germany1990Museo Municipal de Shimosuwa,Nagano1990Shimosuwa Municipal Museum,Nagano199的Auditorio de Nagaoka,Nigata1993怡aoka Lyric Ha,NigataCipulan Odate,AkitaDome in Odate.Akita1994Proyecto T-Hall en Taisha,Shimane1994T-Hal in Taisha.Shimane195Centro de Vacaciones Ota-ku en Nagano,Nagano1995Ota-ku Resort Complex in Nagano,NaganoParque de la Agriculturan Oita,OitaAgriculture Park in Ota.OitaMediateca de Sendai,MiyagSendal Mediathequ Myag1996Ayuntamiento de Notsuharu.Oita1996Notsuharu Town Hall.Oita1897Proyecto de Ampliacion del BankofteSettement,Basilea Suiza1997Bankonaionl Settement ExtsnPrect,Basel.Swizerland1999Hospital Cognacq-Jay,Paris,Francia1999Hopita Cogna Jay.ParisFrance2000Centro de Artes Escnicas de Matsumoto,Nagano2000Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre,Nagano2002Proyecto-I en Fukuoka,Fukuoka2002I-Proect in Fukuoka.Fukuoka2003FIRA2000 de Barcelona,Montjuic2,Espana2003FIRA2de Barelona,Montui2 SparParque de la Gavia,Madrid,EspanaParque de la Gavia Madrid,Spain204Fondo Regional de Arte Contemporne de Picardien Amiens,Francia2004Fonds Regional dArt Contemorain de Picardie a Amiens France理甄素前阀Z..ET UNA CONVERSACIONA CONVERSATIONCON TOYO ITOWITH TOYO ITOKOJI TAKITokio,Otono/Autumn 2004]He permanecido atento a la produccion de Toyo Ito durante casi treinta anos,durante los cuales mis encuentros y debates con el,en tornoa la arquitectura,se han ido sucediendo y ampliando.En estos anos,Toyo Ito ha operado una serie de cambios en su metodo de proyec-tar,ha acunado ciertos terminos singulares-entre otros,los que estan en relacion con una arquitectura'ligera'y que se siente como'efi-mera':'lightness'y'ephemerality'-y tambien ha generado formas cautivadoramente sofisticadas.Estos cambios,sin embargo,son en ciertomodo menores que aquellos que tuvieron lugar a raiz del proceso de construccion de la Mediateca de Sendai.El interes del proyecto origl-nal era basicamente estetico,pero el entendio que era necesario modificar su enfoque cuando tuvo en cuenta como veria la gente el edifi-cio.Como consecuencia enfatizo os aspectos construotivosen detrimento de los formales.Anora a Toyo Ito le interesa el individuo comoser social,disfruta de la vida y siente preditecoion por tos edificios qu proporcionan bienestar a quienes los usan o los habitan.Creo queeste es el aspecto mas significativo de su trayectoria reciente.y fue el punto de partida de nuestra entrevista.I have been observing Toyo Ito's architecture for almost 30 years,during which time we have had a succession of ever-broadening meetings and debates about architecture.In that time,Toyo Ito has made a number of changes to his design method and coined some parti-cularly remarkable terms linked to 'light'architecture that people sense as 'ephemeral':'lightness'and 'ephemerality'.He has also pro-duced charmingly sophisticated forms.In some respects,however,these changes have been minor in comparison with those that tookplace during the Sendai Mediatheque construction process.The interest of the original project was basically aesthetical,but Ito unders-tood thatthat focus had to change when he took into account the way people would regard the building.As a result,he emphasised theconstruction aspects to the detriment of form.Toyo Ito is now interested in the individual as a social being:he seems to be enjoying lifeand feels a predilection for buildings that endow those who use or inhabit them with well-being.To my mind,this has been the mostimportant aspect of his recent period,and was therefore the starting point for our discussion.6理闐素前网Z.ZC.ET Creo que su forma de proyectar ha cambiado radicalmente desde laI think that your way of designing architecture has changed drasti-Mediateca de Sendai.Y que ese cambio se advierte claramente encally since Sendal Mediatheque.This change was clarified withel Pabellon de la Serpentine Gallery londinense,de 2002.en el Centroarchitecture like the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London,in 2002,de Artes Escenicas de Matsumoto,que se inauguro el ano pasado.the Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre that opened in 2004 andy en el Edificio TOD'S Omotesando,de Tokio,inaugurado en diciem-also at the TOD'S Omotesando Bullding at the end of 2004.Beforebre de 2004.En proyecto,la Mediateca parecia transparente y ligera,its construction,I assumed that Sendai would become light,trans-como era de esperar,pero una vez construida no resulto exacta-parent architecture as usual.But it didn't.The building is strong,butmente asi.El edificio es rotundo,pero su arquitectura ofrece unaits architecture has become quite vivid and pleasant for citizens tocualidad mas vital y amable para el usuario.La Mediateca de Sendaicome and use.Sendai Mediatheque is splendidly successful as aha tenido un exito clamoroso como edificio publico.Pese a su plan-public facility.Although the design is quite novel,the architectureteamiento bastante original,logro insertarse en la trama urbana ymelts into city and stimulates citizen cultural activities.Comparedestimular la vida cultural ciudadana.Al compararla con su produc-with your previous concept of architecture,I can detect considera-cion anterior,encuentro que su idea de la arquitectura ha cambiado.ble conceptual changes in this architecture.Where has this changeDe donde viene ese cambio?Que tendra lugar despues?Se mecome from?What will follow this change?I have many questions inocurren muchas preguntas,pero la primera es como lleg6 a ser otramind.To begin our conversation,however,I would like to ask yousu actitud respecto a la arquitectura?how this change took place in your attitude toward architecture.Bien,diria que no me adhiero a una forma de expresion espe-Well,I must say that I no longer stick to a specific expression.Or per-cifica.20 deberia decir tal vez que mi perspectiva de la arquihaps I should say that my perspective for architecture has becometectura se ha hecho mas amplia?Usted,que es filosofo y.noader then-before.Youphisopher ot an architect.have for a longarquitecto,acostumbraaver la arquitoctura desde punto detme seen rnany archltectures from a ditferent point of view from wevista diferente al nuestro;y yo me he dejado influir por su pen-architects.I have been largely influenced by your thoughts.I also remem-samiento.Recuerdo ahora algo que dijo hace tiempo,por ejem-ber now what you said years ago.For example.you said that you wereplo,que le interesaba solo la arquitectura capaz de encarnar laonly interested in the architecture that represented what happened insociedad del presente.Y bueno,yo,poco a poco,fui entendiendosociety at that particular time.I gradually came to understand the meanel significado de sus palabras.ing of your words.He aprendido muchas cosas de la arquitectura,continuo haclendoloI have learnt many things from architecture.So I have continued toy puedo decir que encuentro que tenemos muchas cosas en comun.observe architecture until now,and we have many things in com-En cambio,cuando usted habla de 'formas de expresion'siento quemon.However,when you talked about 'expression',I sensed ahay una sutil diferencia de concepto entre usted y yo.Podria expli-slight difference between us in the underlying concept of its term.car algo mas su idea relativa a 'forma de expresion'?Would you like to further explain your concept of 'expression'?Como usted ha senalado en sus libros,es dificil no tener enAs you wrote in your book,it is hard to avoid the gap between thecuenta la distancia que existe entre el espacio que disena el arqui-space that an architect designs and the space produced by the expe.tecto y el espacio producido a partir de la experiencia de la genterience of ordinary people.Since the Modern Movement,a conscious archi-comun.Despues del Movimiento Moderno,los arquitectos cons-tect often denies the real state of society.That does not mean arguingcientes reniegan a menudo del estado actual de la sociedad.Ellowith a specific client.When modem 20th century architecture appearedno implica discutir con un cliente especifico.Cuando surgio lathe architect had a strong will that denied real society,and the dreammodernidad en el siglo XX,los arquitectos tenian grandes anhe-of the future could only be opened through architectural innovation.Mylos de cambio y sonaban con un futuro abierto a partir solo de laarchitecture also set the ground for such a denial of reality.I thought.innovacion en arquitectura.Mi arquitectura tambien sienta lashowever,that such a negative attitude to real soclety tended to producebases de tal contradiccion de la realidad.Creo,sin embargo,quean expression which could be regarded as inhuman.esta actitud negativa respecto a la sociedad real tendia a produ-cir una expresion que podria considerarse como inhumana.Luego su actitud cambio,aunque la nueva no sea tampoco resul-Then you changed your attitude.However your new attitude is nottado de un compromiso con la sociedad actual.Aspira mas bien athe result of a compromise with real society.Instead,you want todejar abierta la arquitectura a cualquier posibilidad fertil.Quiereopen architecture up to a very fertile possibility.It is a criticism ofdecir por tanto que es critico respecto a la actitud que han adopthe attitude that architects have taken since the Modern Movement.tado los arquitectos desde el Movimiento Moderno?Is that really what you mean?理闐素前阀Z.ZC.ET Eso es.Creo que he asumido lo que seria la norma de la arqui-That's right.I think that the norm of modern architecture has been intectura moderna durante mucho tiempo.Me limite a la estetica delmy conscience for a long time.I have confined myself to the'Less is more''menos es mas',de modo que siempre eliminaba lo excesivo en miaesthetics.so I have always removed excessive things from my archi-arquitectura.Pero la arquitectura realmente intensa y que todo eltecture.Truly vivid architecture that everyone can enjoy is not based onmundo puede disfrutar no se basa en tales preceptos.Entoncessuch a norm.Then I began to think about logic in the wider world.empec6 a pensar sobre la logica en un mundo mas amplio.Completamente de acuerdo.Podria decirme como se produjo eseI completely agree with you.Could you tell me about how thiscambio?change took place?Se dieron dos situaciones simultaneas para ese cambio.UnaThere were two chances for this change.They happened at the samefue el proceso de materializar la Mediateca de Sendai;la otra,One was my experience in the process which gave rise to Sendai,andir a Europa y empezar a pensar la arquitectura en una ciudadthe other was going to Europe after that and beginning to conslder archi-extranjera,en Europatecture in the foreign city in EuropeEmpecemos con Sendai.Recuerdo bien una maqueta justo despuesLet's begin with Sendai.I clearly remembered a beautiful whitedel concurso,blanca y muy hermosa,que me pareci admirable.Peromodel just after the competition,which I admired.But when I wental visitar el emplazamiento y ver el edificioen-construccton me sor-o the building site,I was surprised by a terrific material feeling.Itprendio su increible materaidad.Era un inferno de fuego yhierrowes a hell composed fire and iron.Yo tambien me senti abrumado por la fuerza de aquel hierro.I was also overwhelmed by the force of that iron.Between the com-La experiencia de esos seis anos,entre el concurso de 1995 y lapetition in 1995 and its completion in 2001,the experlence in these sixterminacion en 2001,cambiaron completamente mi idea de layears totally changed my concept of architecture.Critical opinions aboutarquitectura.Recibi criticas locales,una tras otra;y al principiothat project emerged from local people in Sendal,one after another,andtuve que soportarlas.Aunque tambien fuese competencia suya,I had to bear the brunt of the attack first,although the bureaucrat inel responsable institucional hizo caso omiso de principio a fin.charge also had his share of the responsibility.he brushed off the localLa actitud en contra de cierta prensa maliciosa tuvo su origenpeople from beginning to end.The repulsion of malicious local journal-en el hecho de que algunos periodistas no podian comprenderism arose from the fact that the joumalist could understand neither theni la arquitectura ni su funcion social.Y decidf confiar en lasarchitecture nor its social function.I decided to trust the social latencyposibilidades culturales latentes en el proyecto,sin tener enof a cultural possibility without such a misunderstanding.Because thecuenta esos malentendidos.En tales circunstancias,conformebuilding arose in this situation,it was blown off course by this attack atla construccion iba surgiendo,fueron desapareciendo aquellosa time when the architecture was weak,and I thought that this architectureataques que se habian oido cuando la arquitectura era fragil,dehad to be strong.Transparency and lightness were not reliable,so archi-modo que pense que debia ser firme.La transparencia y la lige-tecture began to change.It was not the negative attitude that I referredreza no eran fiables,asi que la arquitectura tenia que cambiara little while ago.I have become positive.No era la actitud negativa a la que me he referido hace unmomento.He empezado a ser positivo.La idea de arquitectura cambi en el proceso de construccion.La pri-The concept of the architecture changed during the constructionmera maqueta y el resultado final resultan diferentes.Que paso conprocess.The model from the first stage and the completed archi-las caracteristicas columnas tubulares?tecture were different.What happened to the characteristic columns?La primera idea fue hacer tubos de luz,pero aquello no expre-The first idea was a tube of light.It does not express the power thatsaba la fuerza que soporta el forjado.Eran tubos fabricados consupports the floor.It is a tube made of beautiful,immaterial light.But ituna luz inmaterial y maravillosa.Pero aquello cambi6.La estruc-changed.The steel frame was exposed.It was not beautiful in onetura de acero se dej6 vista y aunque,en cierto sentido,no resul-sense.Unexpectedly,however,the architecture was accepted by the peo-taba atractivo,en cambio,sorprendentemente fue algo que con-ple as a result of exposing a steel frame in this way.Various people,oldtribuy6 a que la gente se identificase con el proyecto.Hombresand young.male and female.accept and enjoy it.y mujeres,mayores y jovenes,todos acabaron entendiendolo ydisfrutandolo.Aunque a este exito tambien hayan contribuidolos esfuerzos de los responsables de la gestion de la Mediateca,8筑素衬网Z.Z心.ET el concepto original del edificio llega hasta el publico y 6steAnd although it is also based on the efforts of people who are inpuede disfrutar plenamente de el y de los servicios que ofrececharge of management.the original concept permeates the people andEn cierto modo,la sociedad ha aceptado lo que seria la expre-it is working very well as a public facility.In some sense.an architect'ssion individual de un arquitecto.individual expression was accepted by society.Ha mencionado su trabajo en Europa como un factor de cambio enYou talk about your work in Europe as another factor which has chan-su idea de arquitectura.Cual ha sido su experiencia en Europa?ged your concept of architecture.What have you experienced there?El proyecto del Hospital Cognacq-Jay de Paris tambien recibioAt Hospital Cognagc-Jay,the Paris hospice project,I also receivedfuertes protestas por parte de los vecinos.Al principio pense queviolent protests from neighbours.At first I thought that the situation wouldla situacion se pondria peor que en Japon,pero luego me di cuentabe harsher than in Japan.Still.I have become aware that I have a veryque el cliente respaldaba mi arquitectura y que tambien la admi-positive client for whom I am bullding my architecture.and I have foundnistracion municipal colaboraba sin problemas.La situacion esthat the municlpal administration has coped with a difficult problem.Thatmuy diferente de la japonesa o,dicho de otra forma,existe en lawas very different from Japan.To put it in a different way.the expecta-sociedad europea una expectacion latente respecto a lo que lostions for the architecture that we architects build is latent in society.It isarquitectos podemos llegar a construir a partir de una idea.Hastaan expectation of what the architect can make on the basis of an idea.ahora,rara vez he sentido un apoyo semejante en Japon.I have rarely felt such support in Japan until now.Puedo entender muy bian lo que quiere dacir Yo formo parte de lacan understand whatyou say very well Fam one of the ordinary peo-gente corriente asi que puedo hablar de lo que la gente comun sienteple,so let me speak about the feelings of ordinary people toward archi-respecto a la arquitectura:y desde luego el sentimiento no es eltecture.In Europe,these feelings are considerably different frommismo en Japon que en Europa.Todo el mundo sabe en Europa queJapan.In Europe,even ordinary people know that architecture hasla arquitectura surgio de la sociedad,y no de una individualidad con-arisen from the history of a complex society,rather than being pro-creta;forma parte del contexto cultural,y vincula a los hombres conduced by one human being.For Europeans,architecture seems toel mundo:a traves de ella son conscientes de cambios historicosbe part of the cultural environment and connects man with the world.mas amplios.Para los europeos la arquitectura contribuye a cons-They sense the major historical conversions through architecture.truir el universo cultural en el que viven.For them,architecture makes the cultural world in which they live.Es verdad.Con los pabellones para la Serpentine Gallery y paraThat is true.In Serpentine and Brugges,it was felt that people enjoyedla ciudad de Brujas sentf que la gente disfrutaba de la arquitec-architecture very naturally.The social columns in the newspaperstura de una forma natural.Y las paginas de cronica social de losdescribes the bullding's concept quite accurately.There is a strong feel.periodicos describieron los proyectos con bastante precision.Seing that the concem for architecture infiltrates the culture into the entirepuede percibir claramente que el interes por la arquitectura essociety.I cannot help saying that the level of cultural expectations isalgo arraigado en la cultura y en la sociedad.Y no puedo evitar decircomparatively low when a high-quality construction is bullt at a high costque el nivel de expectativas culturales creadas es comparativa-in Japan.We feel a sense of social responsibility as architects when wemente mas bajo aqui en Japon,cuando se llevan a cabo obras dework in European society.In order to fulfil this social responsibillty.thecalidad y elevado presupuesto.Cuando trabajamos en Europa nosarchitect should design it so that people can share it in common.Itsentimos socialmente responsables como arquitectos.Para cum-should not be an individual expression of the architect,by the architectplir con esa responsabilidad social el arquitecto deberia proyec-for the architect.I am searching for the right word to express the qual-tar a partir de lo que la gente tiene en comun,y no buscar una expre-ity of architecture in the contemporary society because I have becomesion individual,ni disenar por y para si mismo.Estoy buscando lavery consclous of the architect's role in such a society since 'Sendal'palabra adecuada para definir la cualidad de la arquitectura en lasociedad contemporanea porque desde Sendai he llegado a sermuy consciente del papel del arquitecto en dicha sociedad.Yo creo que la sociedad japonesa no tiene sentido de la permanen-I think that Japanese soclety lacks durability.Two years ago,I wascia.Hace dos anos me entrevisto un profesor de la Universidad deinterviewed by a lecturer at Genova University who was researchingGenova que estaba investigando la relacion entre tiempo y arqui-the relationship between time and architecture.He said that in thetectura.Me dijo que en Occidente se tiene la creencia de que'laWest,people have a kind of a fantasy that Architecture is 'oternal'.arquitectura es eterna',y me pregunto como se percibia en Japon.and he asked me how it is in Japan.Although it was difficult to explain9理到Z.ZC.ET