基于BIM的筑低碳设计摘要:在发展低碳经济的道路上,筑的“节能”和“低碳”注定成为绕不开的话题,目前低碳筑已逐渐成为国际筑界的主流趋势。随着IT技术的不断发展以及4D/ND模型、设工程生命周期管理、筑信息模型等理论研究的不断发展和深入,将筑碳排放量的计算方法融合到BIM模型中,通过参数修改进行比选,达到低碳的筑设计,实现筑全寿命周期的绿色低碳。关键词:BM筑低碳生命周期评价清单分析Abstract:In the economic development of low carbon,the features of "energy"a ND "low carbon"in building are destined to important topics,a ND currently,lowcarbon architecture has become the main trend of international construction.With thecontinuous development of IT fechnology,4D/ND model,lifecycle management ofproject,the theory research of construction information model,the calculation methodof carbon emissions is inserted into the BIM model,through parameters modification,to achieve low carbon architectural design,to realize green low carbon in the lifecycle of buildingKey words:BIM a low carbon Building Life cycle assessment Listanalysis興尚理筑素前阀Z.ZC.ET